Deterministic forecast charts
GFS Forecast products on this website are available for selected regions and are updated 4 times a day for the 00UTC, 06UTC, 12UTC and 18UTC model runs. Deterministic forecasts are out to 132 hours (5.5 days) for the operational 0.25 deg Global Forecast System (GFS V16 FV3) atmoshperic model and GFS Wave model (NOAA WaveWatch 3 NWW3 multi-grid wave model) and 72 hours (3 days) for the WRF - ARW model. Currently, all deterministic forecast charts are provided in 3 hourly time intervals.
The WRF - ARW model (Version 4.4) is driven by 0.25 deg GFS V16 global forecast data. The simulations of the WRF - ARW model are performed using a nested domain configuration of 12 km and 4 km grids, respectively.
GFS Atmospheric Model (Northern Hemisphere, Europe, Canaries)
GFS Wave Model (Canaries, Portugal, Northwest Europe)
WRF - ARW 4 km (Alps)
All forecast charts keep time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
European time zone conversation - UTC
Central European Summer Time (CEST): UTC + 2 hours
Central European Time (CET): UTC + 1 hour
Western European Summer Time (WEST): UTC + 1 hour
Western European Time (WET): UTC
Ensemble forecast charts
Propabilistic forecasts are provided by the global 0.25 deg Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS).
GEFS Atmos - Propability of Winds and Precipitation (Austria)
GEFS Global Wave Ensemble System (Atlantic, Europe, Mauritius)
The charts should be used as guidance only.
All forecast charts keep time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Climate forecast charts
CFSv2 NCEP Climate Forecast System (Atlantic, Europe)
The charts should be used as guidance only.
All forecast charts keep time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
For more information on GFS, GEFS, NWW3 and WRF - NMM, visit the links below: